How It's Made
Our 10-Step Process
Pre-filtration to remove sediment and particles
Softening to remove hardness causing minerals
Carbon filtration to remove objectionable taste and odor as well as any organic chemicals that may be present
Reverse osmosis to remove 95 percent plus of dissolved solids
Demineralization to remove remaining minerals and bring the water to zero parts per million of total dissolved solids
Ultraviolet purification to make sure our water stays virtually free of microbes
Storage/recirculation to begin the production process. Water is continuously freshened with ozone, a naturally occurring substance close to oxygen in molecular structure. Ozone controls microbial growth without the undesirable byproducts always associated with chlorination
Ozone purification residual to ensure freshness whenever a new bottle of water is opened
Final bacteria filtration before bottling. This is the time when food grade minerals can be added to enhance taste
Washing, sanitizing, and bottling